Convert from Megabyte (MB) to Bit (b)
Perform conversions of digital storage units between different units.
Megabyte (MB) = Bit (b)
Information about conversion units:
About Megabyte (MB)
The megabyte, its symbol MB, is a unit of measurement equivalent to 1,024 kilobytes or 1,048,576 bytes. It is commonly used to describe the size of files and storage capacity in computer systems.
The megabyte is relevant in applications that require measuring file size and storage capacity in computing devices and digital media.
About Bit (b)
The bit, its symbol b (lowercase b), is a unit of measurement used in the binary system to store or transmit data, such as Internet connection speed or the quality scale of an audio or video recording.
A bit is generally represented with two values, 0 or 1, although it can also be interpreted with other values like yes/no, true/false, plus/minus, etc. It is said that 8 bits make 1 byte.
A bit is one of the fundamental units used in computer technology, information technology, digital communication, as well as for storing, processing, and transmitting various types of data.
Note: Do not confuse Bit with Byte, (8 Bits = 1 Byte).
Conversion table of Megabyte (MB) to Bit (b)
Megabyte (MB) | Bit (b) |
1 | 8000000 |
2 | 16000000 |
4 | 32000000 |
8 | 64000000 |
16 | 128000000 |
32 | 256000000 |
64 | 512000000 |
128 | 1024000000 |
256 | 2048000000 |
512 | 4096000000 |
1024 | 8192000000 |