Convert from Kilobit (kb) to Exabit (eb)
Perform conversions of digital storage units between different units.
Kilobit (kb) = Exabit (eb)
Information about conversion units:
About Kilobit (kb)
The kilobit, its symbol kb, is a unit of measurement that is equivalent to 1,000 bits. It is commonly used to measure data transmission speeds or storage capacity in computer and communication systems.
A kilobit is one of the first units of measurement used to describe file sizes or transfer speeds and is a fraction of the megabit (1,000 kilobits = 1 megabit).
About Exabit (eb)
The exabit, its symbol eb, is a unit of measurement that is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bits or 1,000 petabits. It is used to describe storage capacities and transmission speeds in systems operating at extremely high levels, such as advanced research networks and large-scale data applications.
The exabit is essential in the field of scientific research, high-performance system engineering, and cutting-edge applications that require exceptional data handling.
Conversion table of Kilobit (kb) to Exabit (eb)
Kilobit (kb) | Exabit (eb) |
1 | 1.0E-15 |
2 | 2.0E-15 |
4 | 4.0E-15 |
8 | 8.0E-15 |
16 | 1.6E-14 |
32 | 3.2E-14 |
64 | 6.4E-14 |
128 | 1.28E-13 |
256 | 2.56E-13 |
512 | 5.12E-13 |
1024 | 1.024E-12 |