Convert from Bit (b) to Terabit (tb)

Perform conversions of digital storage units between different units.

Bit (b) = Terabit (tb)

Convert from Terabit (tb) to Bit (b)

Information about conversion units:

About Bit (b)

The bit, its symbol b (lowercase b), is a unit of measurement used in the binary system to store or transmit data, such as Internet connection speed or the quality scale of an audio or video recording.

A bit is generally represented with two values, 0 or 1, although it can also be interpreted with other values like yes/no, true/false, plus/minus, etc. It is said that 8 bits make 1 byte.

A bit is one of the fundamental units used in computer technology, information technology, digital communication, as well as for storing, processing, and transmitting various types of data.

Note: Do not confuse Bit with Byte, (8 Bits = 1 Byte).

About Terabit (tb)

The terabit, its symbol tb, is a unit of measurement that is equivalent to 1,000,000,000,000 bits or 1,000 gigabits. It is used to describe storage capacities or data transfer speeds in high-speed systems, such as high-bandwidth fiber optic networks and high-capacity storage devices.

The terabit is found in the field of communications and large-scale data storage, such as in data centers and high-performance telecommunications networks.

Conversion table of Bit (b) to Terabit (tb)

Bit (b)Terabit (tb)